Vaio: [ Bossily ] Move over, move over, make room.

Empeg: [Angrily] Who the hell are you? Some of use are trying to sleep.

V: I'm the Vaio, dontcha know. Surely you've heard of me...

E: Nope. Should I have?

V: [Flustered] Of course you should damn well know who I am. I was designed from scratch for multimedia use.

E: [Yawns]

V: I can play mp3s.

E: [Yawns again]

V: I have a 30GB hard disk.

E: [Yawns again]

V: I run Windows XP!

E: [Smirks]

V: [Angrily] Right that's it. I've tried to be nice, but all you've done is yawn and smirk at me.

E: Yeah? Well, Who woke up Who here? I was trying to sleep, and you came in with your self-important attitude and started to spout off crap. I'm not happy that you're here, but since I have no choice in that matter, why don't you shut up and let me sleep?

V: [Totally wound up] How Dare You!? I'm the coolest gadget to ever see the light of day. I even have a curvy alloy case. Beat that! [Throws ineffectual punch]

E: [Laughing] Do ya wanna piece of me then? Do ya? Do ya?

V: [Unleashes a flurry of punches, none of which have any effect]

E: [Laughing so hard he thinks he's going to throw his guts up]

V: [Continues punching]

E: Ok, this is getting boring now.

V: [Continues]

E: Look, why don't you stop before you do something even more stupid?

V: [Continues]

E: Fsck this for a game of soldiers. [Punch]
[Time passes]
V: [Dizzy]

Edited by genixia (13/02/2003 10:08)
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.