I have no idea what Iomega were thinking...

Iomega Zip
Iomega Jazz
Iomega Ditto
Iomega Peerless

I've always got the impressions that Iomega come up with some reasonable technology and then manage to market it into oblivion with their 'catchy' names.

I'm sure that if Iomega had refrained from naming the Zip as such, and had just stuck with "250MB Floppy Disk" then they would have stood a chance of gaining a reasonable market share. At the same time, if they had licensed the tech' to the Taiwanese manufacturers, there'd probably be zip drives in every PC sold today.

They're still trying. Zip750 is the latest. And we still buy 1.44MB floppy drives.
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.