A further thought on charcoalgray99's excellent web interface and "numpties" (idiots, see http://www.bigpawsrecords.com/notes_for_numpties.htm

If I remember rightly there are a couple of what I would call "non-intuitive behaviours" happening with the stylesheet.

One is that when you reach the bottom level of a playlist tree, the act of clicking any file at that level results in a download window. In my scenario (involving brain dead friends, out to trash my system) any kind of download action is a no-no.

Similarly there are other dangerous options available through the stylesheet, like editing config.ini that I really don't want anyone but me to mess with.

Bear in mind that I have absolutely no programming or XML editing experience to know how to disable all the redundant (again, in my scenario only) default actions.

Cheers, Sim