Wow, is that cool! I am also curious how many dimensions they use in their database and how large it is. It didn't get mine in 20 questions, but it got it in 26. I picked "crown".

Pretty cool:
You were thinking of a crown.
You said it is classified as Mineral, I say Other
Does it help accomplish tasks? you said Yes, I say No
Can you find it in a church? you said Yes, I say No
Was it invented? you said No, I say Yes

In its defense, I struggled with "was it invented". In a sense, anything with a name is "invented". I chose to view a crown as a statue or a painting, which one would not normally describe as "invented." I stick by my answers on the other questions, though.

At question 20 it guessed "meteorite". It went from meteorite to crown in 6 questions.
