I tried empeg as well... here were the results...
I am guessing that it is a sound card?
Yes , No , Close

29. I guess it a CD burner? Close.
28. Can you put something into it? Yes.
27. Does it have buttons? Yes.
26. Is it comforting? Yes.
25. Does it come in different colors? No.
24. Can you open it? Yes.
23. Is it smaller than a loaf of bread? Yes.
22. Can it be heard? Yes.
21. Would you use it in the dark? Yes.
20. I guess it a hard disk? Close.
19. Do you open and close it? Doubtful.
18. Is it heavier than a pound of butter? Yes.
17. Does it go inside other things? Yes.
16. Would you find it in an office? Yes.
15. Could it be found in a classroom? Irrelevant.
14. Does it help accomplish tasks? Yes.
13. Can you switch it on and off? Yes.
12. Is it made of metal? Yes.
11. Does it weigh more than a duck? No.
10. Does it require specific knowledge to use it? Yes.
9. Is it a common household object? No.
8. Is it heavy? No.
7. Do most people use this daily? No.
6. Does it play music? Yes.
5. Can you lift it? Yes.
4. Does it make sound? Yes.
3. Do you hold it when you use it? No.
2. Does it have writing on it? Yes.
1. It is classified as Other.

Michael West