Part one - PDB file

1. Export your data from Emplode/Jemplode to .csv

In Jemplode (I have not used Emplode to do this) export your player database to .csv.

2. Reformat the data in the .csv file

The data has to be "massaged" in order to work correctly on the Palm. We only need a few columns, not everything that is in the .csv file. The specific columns you MUST include and NO OTHER and IN THIS ORDER are:

Artist, Year, Source, Track Number, Title, Genre, Bitrate, Duration (in milliseconds, FID

I can't stress enough how the format of the data will affect the .pdb file. I have included a test.csv file that is in the correct format. If you have any string that includes a comma in it, it will be skipped (alpha version). No header rows are to be included. They also must be sorted in that exact order, also. If they are not sorted correctly (Each album should appear in order by artist, etc), the application WILL NOT WORK. Take a look at the test.csv file included to see the sort order.

3. Edit a .java file to point to your new .csv file and recompile the class

Now that you have your massaged .csv file, edit and at the very bottom change the import and export file paths. This is in the static void main method.

4. Recompile and Run the staging.PDBExporter java program to create the .pdb file

You'll have to do a javac staging/ to recompile
Then run it with java staging.PDBExporter

Your .pdb file should magically appear.

5. Load the .pdb file onto your palmpilot

This entire step will soon be integrated into Jemplode (probably with Mike Schrag's help), but just to get it released early, I'm giving you the manual method.

Attachments (139 downloads)

Mark Cushman