Yankees is really an Eastern USA term, isn't it?
Well sort of.
Being a Yankee New Englander myself, for me it would not be an innacurate label.
But it has been used by other countries to label us as a whole in the past. Yankee go home, yanquis go home, etc. etc.
The "yankee go home" phrase did originate after the northerners defeated the south during the civil war, but its been used in vietnam, south america, the phillipines, etc.
I know for instance there were banners in Japan with that slogan during the US occupation in the fifties, and I dont think they were referring to just us New Englanders.
I think if you were to refer to americans as yankees we would get the gist if it.
The southerners might not like it, but they dont really count anyway.

heh, just kidding you guys.