You will note that the only EU member country not in the EMS employing the Euro is the yUK, which has increasingly become sidelined in European politics in the last 5-6 years due to the lack of commited involvement in Europe - a "we'll have the nice bits but the yukky bits we'll not bother with" duality which has frustrated and annoyed politicians for a long time. For some reason, the yUK government still thinks it means something in Europe - poor, deluded idiots: they are now totally out of synch.

I think you'll find that the majority of the UK government are actually keen to join the EMS as quickly as they can. The fact is that at the moment if they put the vote to the UK population (which they have commited themselves to doing) then they would lose. Whenever the Euro is discussed in the popular press it is presented as the filthy Europeans wanting to take the Pound away.

The far more important issues such as whether the UK and European economies are in sync is rarely discussed.

At the moment though, I just wish there were some British MPs brave enough to put forward a motion to propogate a Vote of No Confidence against the present British Labour government. That would be brave, wouldn't it? Risking your job for something you believe in - or am I being too bloody optimistic here

Even if one of them did, the rest of them would vote like sheep for the government.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday