ok this is weird, i took apart the empeg and pulled out the hard disk mount, its a 60GB (dual 30GB) empeg by the way, and i unplugged the cable from the mainboard, then plugged it back in, the cables both have hot glue attaching them to the drives so i dont think they came lose during the fall. well i put it back together and plugged it into the wall with my adaptor (i am testing this with a DC 12v 1a adaptor) it booted up fine, and i was excited, well i wanted to upload some tunes and the socket was too far away from my computer so i moved the adaptor and the unit closer to my computer and plugged in the USB cable and the unit booted to the spash screen and i can hear the disks turn, but after the spash screen i get the "Empeg screen of death" you know "Hard Disk Not Found, Contact Support" any ideas??
[green]Do not pass go, Do not collect $200![/green]