
-I like how visual it makes the whole structure of your hard drive. I prefer seeing what all sections are like at once
-it is very easy to move throughout the folders
-very quick scan! I am definitely impressed by how fast it scanned. I'm not just talking the parallel scanning stuff, but just how fast it could scan a single disk, let alone many, each of which was nearly full (60/80GB, 95/100GB). very impressive.
-very small and simple program

-like Tony said, how do you tell it if you don't want a certain drive scanned at the program start? just curious
-I prefer seeing the list of all the folders at once
-Is there way to "order" the results around the pie chart? It appears to list alphabetically, but I prefer storage space. that's the reason I use a program like this. I don't see much use in alphabetizing the list.
-small nit-picking, but in some folders, especially when you get down to just the file level, it inserts white space in seemingly random places around the pie chart. is there a reason for this?

All that said, I'm probably going to use this program too, while using Treesize for more of my file management. Thanks for linking it!