Now that a couple of my issues with the Scanner program have been cleared up (thanks for the summary tip, Tony), here's my two remaining nitpicks about the program that keep it from becoming my tool for freeing up disk space:

One reason is that I like to be able to tell exactly what all the folders are at a glance and how large each of them is. There is no way to do that in Scanner without moving the mouse over an area you are interested in. It seems like an inefficient way of going about it. Plus, if you go down one path, and want to go into a different folder elsewhere on the drive, you first have to go back up the tree before selcting the next folder.

Like I said, I prefer to be able to see all the folders at once.

My suggestion (to the programmer) to make this a little easier is this: toss out that annoying "back" button. Currently, the center circle is never used for anything. no context menus no-nothing. I suggest that clicking on that takes you up a level. That would make navigating much quicker and more intuitive, IMO. You never have to take the cursor off the chart.

The other MAJOR issue I have with it is that it lists things in alphabetical order. How is this useful in any way when you're trying to free up space? The point is that you don't know which folder is taking up space, and which is taking up the most space. I doubt anyone is going into this program and looking for a specific folder by name when they are freeing space.

That said, I think it's fine to have the option to alphabetize the list, but I would think it would be absolutely required that you be able to list them by size around the pie chart. My guess is that it doesn't look as good as the randomness that appears when in alphabetical order.

Those are my last complaints. If you think these are off-base, let me know