I have to admit that this one amazed me the most out of all the "new" tacitcs like e-bombs and the like. I mean, if you were a high ranking military officer with your "secure" phone and suddenly you got a call and text message from the enemy wouldn't it freak you out? Esp. considering that cell phones can be used to calculate your location and that ANY conversation you ever had on that phone was most likely recorded.

I hate to admit this, but years ago when text paging was a "new cool" thing I pulled a prank on a co-worker. Him and I both had company issued text pagers that could only be text paged from 2 terminals over at "hq" (or so everyone thought). Him and I were also looking for new jobs over at a competitor business. So I sent him a text message to his pager via email (which only I knew how to do) saying "Reminder: Your phone conversations are monitored. Reconsider your actions." He absolutely FREAKED out. It was one of those pranks that I thought would get a little laugh and it totally backfired. He didn't sleep for days, didn't trust anybody and wouldn't talk to anybody about work unless they came to his apartment and talked in person.

So, these little things can really have a big effect. You expect your bunker to get bombed, but I think you'd assume your cellphone to be secure.
Brad B.