Yes I noticed, my older son is nearly 20 months old and say very few words, I talk with him exclusivery in french (since he was born) and my husband and the other people here in England talk with him in English, yet he says more french words than english, but he does understand absolutely *everything* either in french or english . I can't wait when he start talking so that i can have proper conversations with him :)
sometimes I get worried, especially when I see how my son's playmates already talk more than my sonThat's also my friends' experience: their kids understood everything and spoke very little at first, but once they begun speaking in earnest...

It would seem the psychologists are changing their mind too (as Squid tells us). That's great, as, like I said, it is really sad to see a kid and a grandparent who don't understand each other!
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green