I cannot say anything good about our experiences with the French

I have been through most parts of Europe and elsewhere, and I've found the Golden Rule applies pretty much everywhere. "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

To my surprise the French were nothing like what I was anticipating. My time in France was delightful and I loved living there. And while my experience is nearing 10 years past now, I must say that during the year and a half I spent living in Paris--not once--was I ever treated with disdain for being an American. In fact the only time I found the French to be troublesome in there interactions was when I (or those I was with) expected them to respond/react in English. As I considered my expectations about the French and how if I were to encounter a stranger who appeared in my town demanding of me this or that which I did not understand I would probably respond in the same manner that garnered the French their so called "reputation" for dislike of Americans.

Whenever I made so much as an attempt at speaking the language, people made every effort to be conversant and assist me with my requests. However, lining up and demanding "Gimme a cheeseburger!" just didn't yield the same amicable results.*

I'm sure this isn't a great revelation to anyone, but I wanted to share a bit on my story.

* = I must confess that my twisted side did take a small pleasure from going to Euro-Disney (a huge affront to French society on so many levels) and pressing the local staffs to some inane request in English to the point where they had to respond with a smile and be helpful... OK, I admit, it was mean.... Over all though, I'd say the French, as a society, are a bit self-absorbed--but aren't we all.

I did have to laugh when "they" (corporate America?) were able to get permission to build a McD's at the base of the Eiffel Tower. The stipulation was no signage to identify the building--though what I heard was that McD's believed that people would find it based on the McLitter being scattered about. Sad.

- Tim
(Dang had this written up last night but couldn't post due to some BBS weirdness... Hope it works today)