*We* know we could claim the empeg is more of a general purpose computer than a rio and would probably be exempt, yes. "Legal reasons" means we've been advised not to allow this functionality, just to be safe.

Whether or not the truth would actually "win out" (truth has a very unfirm grip on the law), "legal reasons" means we're not about to lie down in front of the train and see if it stops like it should do in the eyes of all right-minded people. Did Diamond settle out of court? I don't remember that bit - that would have required (a) Diamond giving in on their claims (they didn't) or (b) The RIAA backing down (they didn't). I'm pretty sure there was a ruling of some sort, though how definitive it was I can't remember now...

Surely *you're* not naive enough to think that if a solicitor thought they could get you into trouble, and obviously (as your solicitor) then be hired to get you out of it, the thought wouldn't cross their mind to land you in it? ;)
