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Is it possible for someone to create an application (or whatever) to do this easily for people like me that are rookies when it comes to Linux?

It *is* possible and plans exist for doing this.

Currently, I have my own plans to develop a solution. How they compare with others I can't say at the moment because I am not committing myself to this until I actually GET an empeg. However, I am a fairly talented and experienced developer (under both Windoze and Linux), and have a great deal of confidence in doing this.

My goal is to develop something that does not require installing excessive amounts of packages and stuff. I want something that is small and empeg friendly, something that will not eat up unnecessary processing power, etc.

I don't really want to get anyone's hopes up. If I commit to this, I may open source it or something, as I'm sure other developers would be eager to help.

Who knows... like the rest of us you'll have to wait and see. I suspect an acceptable means of file transfer from the empeg to another computer will happen before the end of the year.
