Having an opinion of your own does not mean being biased.

In the last two days I found many signs (in various sources) that fingerpointing has started, Rumsfeld seeming to be the target of choice (he is a bit of an outsider in Cheney/Wolfowitz/Perle etc clique). I am not gloating: prolonged war with lots of urban fighting (and anything resembling popular support for SH) would have even more catastrophic consequences than envisioned three-day cakewalk (and not only obvious immediate cost in life on both sides). Cakewalk was envisioned: Wolfowitz stated only several months ago that 40000 troops should be enough, and remember how stock exchanges fell on Monday, after three or so days and first US casualties.

If I were religious, I would say 'God help us all'...
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue