. I am not gloating: prolonged war with lots of urban fighting (and anything resembling popular support for SH) would have even more catastrophic consequences than envisioned three-day cakewalk (and not only obvious immediate cost in life on both sides).

I heard a journalist/expert tonight say "that if you were to go by Hersh's piece (in the New Yorker) you would think that we had lost the war". I went back and re-read it. I didn't get that impression, but I can see how somebody might.

I'm with you. I couldn't gloat at any difficulties. By the same token, I still see a fair amount of uncertainty ahead. Over soon? Who knows?

I read with interest this report in Forbes (left wing magazine!) which only reinforced my cynical suspicions about the administration's shifting justifications for the invasion. No WMD?.... Oh, Oh, .....Liber-A-tion!

Don't get me wrong. I still leave open the possibility that our former buddy Saddam (hey, Saddam, YOU SUCK!) could unlease a poison gas attack so as to go down in flames. I just never trusted the reason-du-jour of Bush/Cheney.

Hersh cites a former CIA dude Robert Baer in his article. Baer has his own piece in the latest Atlantic Monthly entitled The Fall of the House of Saud . Very interesting. Depressing. Our stalwart allies....ummmm....corrupt, decadent, hypocritical playboys with whom the Cheneys and Condoleeza Rices seem to have formed an inseperable (deadly?) economic embrace.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.