OK, update.
When I made the initial post on the board, I've also basically sent the same post in an email to USR support.
I received their answer today. I don't know why I even bothered contactting them. Did they even read my mail?
This is what they answered :
Thank you for contacting U.S.Robotics.
Sending you Information regarding printserver Issue with Router.
Some printers are not happy to work as a LAN network printer. First of all before using a printer on the Broadband Router you have to check with the printer manufacturer whether it is compatible to work with the LAN (Network Printer) or not. If yes, then try to obtain the latest driver from the printer manufacturer and also you can download the printer server from the USRobotics web site. Uninstall the printer. Restart the computer. Make sure that everything has been uninstalled from the previous printer then Install the printer once again.
Then a link to the printer server driver
USRobotics Technical Support Department
Note: Sending you a example about how to setup printer 'Printer HP DeskJet 720C Printer Windows 95 & 98 Print a Test Page.zip' which you are going to follow and configure it. It would be highly apprecisted, If you could provide us some feedback.
Well, that was a big help.
First of all, I KNOW that the printer works on a LAN. If they had bothered to read my entire mail they would have noticed that I wrote that the printer works just fine on a USR8000 router (it has done so for more than a year). That's exactly the same router as the 8022, except that it's not wireless. That 8000 router is even their own brand for crying out loud!
Second : why did they send me that link to the online version of the printer server driver ??? For one, it's the exact same driver that is on the CD that came with the router. This isn't so surprising since the last version of that driver dates august last year and that wireless router has only been available since last fall.
Third : Why the hell have they sent me a how-to document for connecting a HP 720C printer using windows '95 & '98 while I have written in my initial email that I'm using a HP 895CXi with win2k?????
I dispair sometimes, I really do.
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup