If your player has the "developer" software on it, rather than just the "consumer" stuff, then you can still flash a new kernel, with luck.

Connect the serial link, and kill the player (control^C) to get a shell prompt.

Remount the root filesystem r/w: rw

Create a /dev/ entry for the kernel: mknod kernel b 60 8

Use rz, or the (j)Emplode tricks to upload the Hijack kernel to you player, just dump it into the / directory.

Remount the root filesystem r/o: ro

Now program the flash: cat /kernel.zImage >/dev/kernel

After that completes, delete the uploaded file: rw; rm /kernel.zImage; ro

and reboot..

It *might* fail, because there were some minor bugs in the flash driver that got fixed in Hijack (I just don't remember if they were showstoppers or not.. someone should test this sequence on a good player first).. and if it fails, you'll REALLY have to get the power detection fixed then!
