I got my cabinet at the Arcade Convention in San Jose, but there are various auctions all over the country. check here: http://www.superauctions.com/ for a date near you. I paid $350 for a good quality Mortal Kombat 1 cabinet with a 27" monitor. $450 seemed to be the going price however... but most of the guys are willing to deal. Check your local arcades too... see what they do with their old machines.

Not sure what you mean by how much trouble the display was... but you can read my weblog at http://www.underachievers.com/mame to get an idea of what i went through. It's really not hard at all, and discharging your monitor is a rush to say the least... knowing that 20,000+ volts just zapped across the line in front of you is quite the adrenaline picker upper. =]

Basically, you discharge your monitor by grounding the anode, then take off the board, unsolder all the caps and resolder a new cap kit. If you have a bad flyback transformer, then you ground that and unsolder it and replace it. That's that. A cap kit apparently fixes about 90% of the problems people see with monitors.
|| loren ||