Spent 4 hours "massaging" my csv file - helped a lot once I understood what Palantir wanted to know. Doesn't help owning mainly compilation CD's, at one point my "Artist" listing on the Palm (well Clie to be exact) had over 1000 entries and that takes some scrolling at 11 lines / screen. But sorted now & sweet.

You definately have to have your music tagged to use Palantir, and I admit that compilation CD's are a difficulty.

Last point, you haven't compiled the latest hijack for use with this by any chance or are you sticking with 320 also?

If there is a compelling reason to upgrade, I will re-compile and re-upload. You are free to do this yourself, however. You must comment out the portion where Hijack starts the player with the -s- option if you re-compile, and also compile IrDA support into the kernel. I just don't have time to do this every time Hijack is released.

I look forward to the day when IrDA support is included by default in Hijack and we have options to start the player without the -s- option in config.ini. Then you would be able to use the default Hijack kernel to run Empire and Palantir.
Mark Cushman