I always find myself reminded of these theories when I manage to avoid something bad, like getting hit by a car(arbitrary example). There must be a clone (actually an infinite number of clones, because there will an infinite number of crossroads ahead and we will need one cloneworld for each) somewhere, who has led the exact same life up to now and right now he didn't have as much luck as I. (simplifying here? there probably would be a infinite number of ways to get hit by the car plus the infinite different, random ways the atoms in my body consists off decide to jump around plus the infinite other crossroads that take place somewhere else in our infinite universe)
He's an exact copy, so he has the same genes, experiences and thus the same feelings. It makes no difference whether I or I get hit by the car, because either me or me will be in pain. So as a consequence everything gets meaningless, every single effort to make my life better and comfort my existence is futile.
I am not sure wheter this thought is comforting or not... any flaws in my logic?