I've always wanted to hit up a junk yard and take an airhorn off of an 18-wheeler cab or something like that and mount it under the hood...

I think Loren needs the new, stretch WRX Eldorado (coming early 2004). Hard time finding a place for air horns in the current model. Don't know what kind of wheels Dylan is struggling with, but I upgraded the factory horns with Hella Supertones (visible, repainted blue by me, in the attachment) from rallylights.com. They are a definite improvement. Very directional, so need to be mounted pointed forward with minimal obstruction for best effect. I have thought of adding a small set of Fiamm air horns on a cut-out switch for country use, but can't figure where to stick the horns so that they are not obstructed (hmmm, maybe on a custom bracket over by the DRL relay and alarm horn....)

153919-Headlights.jpg (178 downloads)


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.