Yeah. What he said. If someone were to ask an aid worker something like "Why are you here?", that would open the door for the aid worker to say "I believe that's what Jesus calls us to do." If the person asking doesn't take the introduction of religion to the conversation and continue with it, then it's time to STHU (Shut The Heck Up) about it.

I remember waiting for the subway in Toronto one day, and there was a really fat black lady walking up and down the platform (in bare feet, no less), singing gospel songs at the top of her off-key lungs. There was a very definate bubble of space around her, wherever she went. When the train came, I got on. Following me were a couple of black teenage girls, all dolled up in the fashion of the day; lots of makeup, tight jeans, etc. The fat lady came up and blocked their way into the train, and before letting them through, shouted at them that "You might think you're pretty on the outside, but you're ugly on the inside. You need to Repent!" I couldn't help but sit there and think... "lady, if there's ever a wrong way to spread the word, you've got it nailed." Who's going to be receptive to that?

Otherwise, I think they're a great deal of fun -- if I have nothing better to do, I make them work for it, before telling them I'm quite happy with my current set of beliefs. Either that, or try to convert them to *my* church.