I thought about using the mark 2 with just the colored screen and leave off the faceplate but then I would have to buy new buttons ( the knob would be OK though ). Really, I don't like the idea of having to take off the faceplate just to use the empeg properly.

If you set the empeg on a desk in front of you at about chest height like most desks are you have this problem. If Hugo had a faceplate on the empeg in this picture here he would not have been able to see many of the characters on the top line. The characters on the top left side are the most often used yet they are the most ofter covered.

I am one of the people that gladly helps out others (after Tony) on this BBS. I thought some of the posts were "harsh" because the first reply made it sound like it was my installation that was causing the viewing problem. One of the things I thought about when posting the original message was the replies from people that have ideal installs or mark 1 faceplates.

Alan, the mark 2 viewing angle is greatly decreased when viewing from the top side. Much different from the mark 1.

Alex Lear
Alex Lear