>> You shouldn't need to format the disk. Check
>> here, here, and here.

That's what I tried first. (the first of those links). No dice, which is why I went to the formatting idea. :-/

>> Duh, I mis-read his post. Of course. He installed
>> the builder upgrade but then he didn't add player
>> software afterwards

Yeah, that's what I was working from. But there doesn't appear to be any step when the drive is actually formatted--I get to what that guide describes as: "The instant that the upgrade has been applied and the wizard is finished, run that Hyperterminal profile. Quickly! When the player reboots after the upgrade, you will see it reboot and it will start formatting the disk. You should see the formatter's output in ASCII on the serial port and on the screen of the player. If the disk drive wasn't blank, the formatter may complain by saying 'disk is already built'. If this happens, you must press the Enter key in Hyperterminal before it will begin erasing the disk."

But none of that happens. It boots to the point I quoted earlier (discarding initdata sections, the "Freeing unused kernel memory: 4k init " message) and then simply hangs. Hitting enter doesn't help, nor does q.

Applying a consumer/developer image afterwards doesn't work, I don't have the exact message but it reboots continually. :-(

I've noticed that sometimes pump seems to hang for a long time during the installs without progressing. What exactly is pump? I'm a long-time linux user but new to the empeg world...

I'll try fiddling with it some more.

Thanks for the time,
