That was as close as I could get. That's another complaint that I have with the new rendering engine, that the relative font sizes of things went way off. The white text -- the description of the forums -- is ``normal'' sized for my screen. I think that the lower one does a much better job of sizing the larger text. It's noticeably larger, but it's more subliminal, not ``hey! that's larger'' like the other one is.
But my main problem is with the kerning, which I think should be well obvious in each set of fonts. I do understand that it's hard to tell, given that the fonts are different sizes, but all I can tell you is that the kerning doesn't really seem affected by size. Maybe I should go back and make screenshots with intentionally large fonts.
For examples, though, to point it out, take a look (in the description text, to compare like font sizes) at the juxtaposition of ``mp'' in ``empeg''. On one, it runs the two letters together (you can see a bright spot). In the other, they are distinct. Then look at the ``sa'' in ``for sale'' in the description of the ``For Sale'' forum. In one, they're set much too far apart.
Edited by wfaulk (25/04/2003 11:45)
Bitt Faulk