
I had not seen that one specifically, but I had seen the SlikStik. It is very similar and has all of the controls. But I already have the HotRod, and thought it might be easier just to upgrade that. If I decide against the conversion, or cannot find anyone to do it, I might just get a SlikStick.

An interesting note about the X-arcade. When I saw that they were coming out with a single user trackball, I thought that it would be perfect. I wrote to SlikStik about it, since they do custom work on request, and they mentioned that they were working on a single user spinner similar to the way thay X-Arcade has the trackball. That would be even better, but it is only in the initial development stages, so they cannot give me an ETA. Even if I modify / get a spinner enabled joystick, I would still get this small model (when available) to have connected all the time.

Edit: Corrected information about SlikStik and X-Arcade.

Edited by pgrzelak (08/05/2003 11:29)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs