I grew up in Monterey which is right over the hill from Carmel, so I know the area pretty well. Hotels aren't my strongsuit, however, as I never really need them. Be aware that the Tickle Pink Inn isn't in carmel at all, and is a fifteen minute drive from anywhere. it's a beautifull area though with amazing views.

You don't say how long you'll be staying so I'll throw out some things and you can edit to suit.

I'd definitly take a day to drive down the big sur coast. I'd reccomend Deetjen's Restaurant as the best place for dinner, but there are other places. If you go far enough you can make it San Simeon and the Hearst Castle which is an amazing place.

In carmel, there isn't much to do besides shop and eat. My favorite italian place is Cafe Napoli on Ocean. If you want to really blow your budget, Casanova is expensive but good.

Carmel Beach is beautiful, and champaign is the only allowed alcoholic beverage, specificaly because you can't have a wedding without champaign.

If you drive over the hill to Monterey and Pacific Grove, there's more to do and see. There's a great steet fair/farmer's market on Tuesday afternoons with all sorts of food and things to buy. It goes on all year, but it's far more active durring the summer. It's on Alvarado, which is the main street down town. Once you're there, you're a short walk from Fisherman's Warf, which has more restaurants, and nice views of the ocean.

There's also the Aquarium, which if you like sea life is a great place to visit. The "Outer Bay" tank is still new to use locals, and the massive sea turle is great. The earlier in the day you arrive, the less of a crowd there will be. Also aiming for Sunday afternoons when the majority of weekenders have left isn't bad. The aquarium is located on "cannery row" as featured in the John Steinbeck novels, though there aren't really any cannerys left.

Continuing on around the bay, you'll get to Pacific Grove, which has a nice downtown area with more shops. The Scotch Bakery is a great bakery that hasn't changed a thing in at least 30 years. Fandango is another good restaurant for a nice dinner.

Santa Cruz is also a nice day trip away, if you want to visit a town still stuck in the 60's.

That should get you started. Is there anything specificaly that interests you?
