Is it possible to pre-define these additional windows? If so, how do I do it?
I have a "IE Window Place" registry file (.reg) which ALMOST does this.


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
Any time I want a new set of IE windows to be placed in that certain location, I double click on the icon for this file. I'm then free to open up a bunch of new windows and they'll all drop to this location, until such time as I CLOSE an IE window. Once I close an IE window, the registry entry gets rewritten again.

Now, there's a little trick that this file does which works around the cascading feature and makes it work for a whole new set of windows and not just the first one. I stumbled upon this, and I'm sure it's a bug (one I'm happy to exploit in this case)... If the top edge of the window is off the screen when its position is saved, new windows won't cascade. So this regfile has it in a position where the top edge of the window is a couple of pixels off the top of the screen. That's the only way I was able to kill the cascading.

The problem, though, is that this doesn't work in all instances of IE and in all situations.

It works for:

- New windows when you're launching IE from scratch.

- New windows from pressing Shift+Click on a link on an IE page.

It does NOT work for:

- New windows launched via Rightclick-on-a-link-then-select-Open-In-New-Window from an IE page (N).

This is really irritating, too, because there's yet ANOTHER bug in Internet Explorer that affects this BBS: In order to read in flat mode, I want the window to scroll down to the newest unread message when I open a thread. But when I Shift+Click on the link, it won't scroll down (it stays at the top of the page). Only when I do the rightclick-then-open-in-new-window trick does it properly scroll down to the unread messages in the flat thread. So it's a catch 22 if you're just using IE.

I happen to be able to work around this because I don't view the parent thread listings in IE. I happen to view the parrent thread listings in a VB program that I created. So when I do rightclick-open-in-new-window on a thread title, its effectively launching a new instance of Internet Explorer, and it both correctly sizes the window based on the .reg file and it also does the scroll-to-new-messages correctly.
Tony Fabris