The difference between the XP 1700 and XP 2500 is more like $81, not $10-$15. Pricewatch has XP2500's at $123 minimum, and XP 1700's are $43 at newegg. I'm not really sure that extra horsepower is worth it... But it might be... Not sure how 2500's overclock, the 1700 is supposed to overclock very well...

Interesting, though, about the Pricegrabber contest. I had heard rumors that Abit was losing some ground in terms of their leadership of the motherboard market, obviously that's not the case. My last 3 motherboards have been Abit (TX5, BP6, and my current KT7-RAID) so I see no reason to change.

Gotta think about the CPU though...
- Tony C
my empeg stuff