I personally would probably get a
shuttle of some sort. Unless you have either lots of hard drives, or several cards, that need to be fitted the shuttle range is very very good. Reasonably quiet, small, very fast, and cost-effective. You can even get a matching carrying bag for it. Sort of the empeg of the PC world.
I have two at the moment, and for PCs they're pretty neat. One is purely for gaming, with a radeon 9700 and lots of memory, and the other is my main linux box. If you go for the SN41G2, you even get twin VGA outputs with the nvidia nforce2 chipset. They run linux very well indeed, although at least with red hat you need to add the kernel option pci=bios,biosirq or it will hang on boot.
If you don't need a cdrom or floppy they will handle three hard drives as well.