Hmm.. a slight glitch today. I had previously cut out around 135 rear panels for docks, and bored the cooling holes and audio jack holes into them.
Then I goofed -- drilled the power jack holes, but with the panels flipped, so the holes ended up in the wrong locations. Aw fudge! So, I figure, I could just use the holes in their new spot, and not worry about it. WRONG.
Everything is interelated. The holes are roughly where the serial ports belong, which means the serial ports would need to be moved. But we've already cut and crimped the wiring for the serial ports, and it won't reach if they are moved..
So.. scrap heap for those.
On the plus side, this presents an opportunity to find better quality material for the rear panels. The first 20-30 docks constructed used my remaining stock of tempered hardboard. Once we ran out of that stuff, we purchased and used hardboard from the Borg. While adequate, it isn't nearly as stiff or even as good looking as the tempered stuff. The problem is, nobody stocks the tempered stuff around here, and heck.. most of the salesfolk have never heard of the stuff and assume I'm bonkers for asking about it.
I have located the Good Stuff down around the Toronto area, but shipping from there would be rather expensive. One hope though -- a local wholesaler claims to have the stuff in Montreal, and is having a couple of sheets put on the next regular inter-office shipment for me. Hopefully it really IS tempered hardboard, but so few people know the difference that I'll only believe it when I see it.
Meanwhile, I'm working on the inner panels, that hold the docking connectors.