Well, a big day in the shop today. Completed the first six milling operations on all 270 side pieces -- only five more cuts (per piece) to go! That really adds up after a while -- happily all my fingers are still there and wiggling (for now).
Meanwhile, got so carried away with making sawdust (and drill dust and router dust etc..) that I forgot to check the dust collector bins.. major overflow into the filter bags as a result.
(the shop has a dust collection system, like a massive built-in vacuum, with a cyclone separator that normally dumps EVERYTHING into a waste bin, and then passes the 99.99% clean air through 100 square feet of filter bags just to make sure -- when the bin overflows, everything ends up in the filter bags instead, which are trickier to empty --
http://rtr.ca/workshop/ ).
Anyway, last act of the day was to swap out the overflowed bin for an empty one -- I'll clean out the bags some other day.
No photos cuz SWMBO was out and about (pronounced "oot and aboot" up this way), and I was just "in the groove" happily cutting away (thus the overflow). But there is a pic from yesterday.
And now things are at the point where I can assemble three more docks -- payment notices just went out for those.