"Oops I did it again" ....
I fear for the human race.

"Taken out of context, this is a pretty nice song.", he says. Among other things, I think Thompson revels in being a bit arch in his attempts at fun. He didn't play that song last night and I didn't manage to get the CD, so I'll just have to wait to see what he does with it. I'll bet it's fun, though!

Oh, and it was probably my misappropriation to bill this as purely a "Best" compilation. In fairness to RT, I'm not sure that's exactly what he's saying.

Oh, and the tour bus looks to be heading south to California for anyone looking to get a dose...just be advised that I think you have to be over 40 to get in!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.