And Yes - Non-empeg folks can read and write the dynamic data partition - they're doing it now - check other posts on this BBS for code on how to do it.
Yeah, emphatic has code to read from it, but I'm a little tentative about doing any more with it than I already am, since 3.0 is in alpha stages, and peter has been made it very clear that the dynamic data partition's format will likely be changing quite drastically. Anyone who wants to do any mucking with it now (*especially* if it involves writing) might be better served waiting for 3.0. Which might end up having its own multiple marking function (dunno, haven't followed the 3.0 wish list very closely.)

I think that instead of multiple mark functionality, we need to see what we can do about multiple Mark functionality. I say we try for 6 Marks. One to go climbing, spend time with SWMBO, etc. One to build docks. One to do LED installs, and any other custom empeg hacks. And a team of 3 Marks to work on Hijack. Multiple Marks might be a tough feature to implement, but I hear those Raelians are making progress on cloning, and they live in Canada, so who knows, maybe we'll have Multiple Marks in time for v3.0 final.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff