Thanks a lot to Yang for directing me to the european-maps-thread, I didn't find it myself. So it might be possible that nobody needs these db-entries für cities if there are real maps. But elsewhere, I keep them :-).

Matthew, I don't want to go completely OT, so just some words to this: I tested many adapters and some bluetooth access-points for writing my (german) book about this. I figured out that especially the access-points (aps) are completely different from each other. Some you can ask via snmp, others won't be interested in such packets. I don't care if I can read the existence of my mobile from the ap via http or snmp or whatever might exist but most of the aps are only for connection your bluetooth-notebook or pda to the local net. As you can see on my site I tested the connection via the serial port with a serial-bluetooth-adaptor, too. This worked fine and maybe there's a way to integrate such a thing into the empeg in the future without losing my serial which I need for GPSapp (to get the turn back to GPSapp :-) ). For further exchanges about bluetooth we might open a new thread or post into my forum (which shall not be a competition to this great forum, but to keep it simple to find a closed section for connecting empeg wirelessly).

Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***