Translating to Spanish, then back to English again, produces this mildly amusing text:

· I does not have a serial port in my PC is the required serial port? The serial port is not required to load music on the player. In fact, the USB and Ethernet are the favourite methods because they are much more fast. Nevertheless, the serial port is required whenever you increase software of the player. It is also the only way that you can send standards or nuclei of order to the player. And if you he preputs himself to make some development of software for the player, you cannot even obtain begun without the initial serial connection. If its PC has only ports of the USB, is the USB-a-seriales adapters available that must work. Also, if you have a free groove (even a groove of the PCI), you can add a serial card rather easily. Like passed resource, you could make your improvements of software in the PC of a friend if she had seriales ports.
You're right. Even at two steps removed, the important information is there, even if the phrasing is a little difficult to understand and a few of the terms obviously got mangled in the translation.
Tony Fabris