Hugo / Rob / Mike / Tony Can you comment / confirm, please?

Henno's right- I think this is by design. It assumes that if you're dropping tracks onto Emplode that you really want the new tracks/folders there. Think of it this way: Dragging something onto Emplode from Windows is the equivalent of a "New" command. There's no option in Emplode to automatically detect whether it's the same file/folder/playlist to avoid duplication.

Maybe there should be?

As I understand it, though, what the original complaint was about was basically this: "I had a Queen folder. I dropped it onto Emplode and synched. Then I ripped some more Queen tracks. Then I dropped the Queen folder again. Instead of synching just the changed files, it created a whole new set of Queen files from scratch. I don't want it to work this way, I want to use my hard disk as the master, so I can change only the hard disk, and not have to manage the playlists in the Empeg by hand."

This was discussed in another thread: The idea that you'd want to have the Empeg automatically detect changes made on the PC's hard disk, and synch only the changed files. The PC is the master and the Empeg infers changes based on what it finds on your PC's hard disk.

There's some merit to that idea, but that's a lot of work to implement. And it also breaks the convenient feature of being able to synch on any machine. For instance, I have different sets of MP3s on my work PC and my home PC. The empeg contains a mixture of the two sets. And on both PCs, there are some files I wouldn't want uploaded to the Empeg.

Although I do try to maintain a standardized folder structure across all three locations (work, home, empeg), I prefer the flexibility of being able to manage the Empeg directly without it having any dependencies on a hard disk directory structure. And in practice, this is actually very easy and not a chore at all.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris