Here's the deal: the speakers are in the ceiling of our conference room. One works beautifully, the other has problems. We'll have to send it back.

I experimented around with the one that did work. I just shifted the balance to the far left and listened to how well it was reproducing the sound from the PC over the wireless connection. It's pretty good for something that seems like no more than poster board

Using Winamp, I loaded up a Screaming Trees track, and fiddled with Winamp some more. The sound was a bit "blah" and definitely "tinny". I then tried loading the "Full Bass Full Treble" preset or whatever it is. That made a world of difference! It sounded just fine for the particular use.

But to the topic, I heard the speaker distorting a bit. So, in the Winamp EQ, I eliminated the 60Hz frequency band. Wow! They sounded just fine. I upped the next highest band (170Hz I believe, 70 more than the speaker's lowest rating), and they handled pretty well almost all the way up.

So, what I need to do is: return one speaker (or find a way to make it work), and find some way to apply EQ settings to all sound output. I think Tony's idea of some sort of EQ between the PC and the transmitter is a good one.

Basically, the setup is for when there are internet broadcasts of hearings on capitol hill. These speakers will handle the job fine. Unfortunately, they still aren't loud enough, or the amp that's powering them isn't. We'll settle for now, though.