Interesting. I am doing some testing now...
Running Windows 2000 Server (I am in the office), I connected to the player with hyperterminal. I verified that my disks were in good shape, not needing a sync. I then did a "rw" command and pulled the power. I plugged it back in, and verified that the root partition needed an fsck.
I went into emplode, turned on logging, connected to the player over fixed IP ethernet. I made a small change to the configuration of the player and performed a sync.
Interestingly, the dirty partition check / media check only happens for dirty music partitions, not for the root partition!!! I think this is a bug!
So, after the sync completed, I exited emplode, deleted the log file, hyperterminal connected in. The root partition was still dirty. I did an "rw" and an "rwm", did a "sync" (I like my data, thank you...) and pulled the power. Went into emplode, with logging on, made a configuration change and did a sync.
This time, it is checking the hard drives with a full fsck. More to follow as the check happens - from command line experience, it takes about 50 minutes per drive. I am capturing a log, so if something does blow up, I can post / send to someone.
Edit: Actually, sitting here watching the indicator not move across the screen, I remember that I did do a full sync with disk check on the 80s before. That was right after the rebuild on the primary unit. But this is still a good test anyway. You may want to try getting a log of your sync - it might help troubleshoot, but try the manual fsck also.
Edited by pgrzelak (03/06/2003 04:18)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs