Ok, I've been debating on whether or not to post this here, and decided I better just go ahead and do it because it's driving me crazy and I can't sleep. So, here it goes...

In March I got a job as a Programmer / Analyst at a local, fairly large company. When I was hired, they asked me what I thought I was worth, and they pretty much paid me what I said ($5k/year less). Now, at the time, I picked a fairly low number because I was jobless, felt like shit and was just desperate for a job.

Now, three months later, without me even saying anything at all, my boss comes to me, calls me into a meeting, and tells me he sees that I'm doing a lot more than was expected, that my "talent" is greatly appreciated, that he doesn't think i'm getting compensated fairly, and that I need to think about what I am really worth. He gave me the weekend to do this.

Needless to say, I was floored, and still am. I can't for the life of me figure out what I should say on Monday. I don't really know what I'm worth, and I'm basically feeling lost at the moment.

So, I ask, how does one decide what they're worth? How do I know I'm being fair and not giving him some ridiculously high figure, etc?
