Congratulations, Donato!


One could have worse problems than this...

Very true. I'm very happy with my job, and I feel very lucky to have found it.

I am affraid I cannot offer advice apart from obvious: asking friends in similar position, looking at ads offering jobs (if they still exist ), perhaps asking a headhunter for advice (if they are willing to dispense such kind of specialist knowledge).

Yep, I've done most of those things, many times in fact, and I still just can't come to a conclusion.

You could perhaps factor in any special circumstances (e.g. have you resurrected a moribund project for them, do you have a skill unique in the company etc), but then again, three months might be too early for that...

Well, I am in the process of rewriting an application that is incredibly out-dated and something nobody else was willing to touch. I'm also the only individual with Linux/Unix knowledge.

Still, though, I'm lost as to how to come up with a reasonable figure. I've searched all over for salary surveys and references to "fair market value," etc, so I have a slightly better idea, but I'm still unable to reach a solid conclusion.

Anyway, good luck!


All in all, I'm very happy to be employed at the moment, and certainly happy with my job. I love the environment and the work itself is exactly what I want to do, not to mention the fact that it's only 5 minutes away. Now, that's not to say that better compensation wouldn't hurt, I would love to be able to afford to buy a house, or at least move out of my parents house.

I just don't know....