I don't know if it has come in or not or even if it is coming but there maybe some law coming in from the europian folk that any accident involing a car and a bike legally the car is at fault no matter whos fault it is.

Now the way he is going it sound like he might not be insured so he could be screwed but if he is then not too sure.

it is not who is at fault it is who can prove the other is at fault.

The other factor is the sheer damn inconvience factor of having to trawl through all the paper work and shite involved. So if it is a cheap bike maybe just let it go.

But an expensive bike you were filtering which is semi legal but you were on the right side of the road etc So i would say he is at fault.

Ah re read your post he claimed he could not see you therefore he is saying he didn't see you therefore he is saying he did not look so SMIDSY (sorry mate i didn't see you) is no defence.
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland