you can get him in a small claims court summons if you get no-where: if he doesn't turn up, you are awarded in default.

I sued an old roommate (I call Spanky) for running up a $3700 phone sex bill. Kicked him out and tried repeatedly to get some restitution for the bill in which the Sprint LD company said, "we say the calls came from your house so they did" in their "investigation" into the matter. Seriously, it looked like Spanky got scammed, and it all happened while I was on the road for work. He denied it, but wouldn't produce timecards for me when he claimed he was at work, he did in court though, and the judge suspected forgery... He hid the phone bills for three months until I got Sprint to send them to my work address so I was unawre of the charges on my account.
Well long story short, you can't get money from someone that has none, despite what the court finds and it is considered harrassment when I would remind him of the court finding him responsible for the bill and he needs to pay me. As for ways to force him to pay, no real estate means he has nothing I could place a lein against. I wrote it off on my taxes so every tax paying American has the right to kick his ass now... Oh and I will never EVER use Sprint for any servies again after that whole fiasco... I ended up paying $2900 to a collection agancy, thanks Spanky, you dick!
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX