OK, here is a real solution

Definitely workable, but not what I'm looking for.

Here is a sample of my Death Ride bike numbers... this motif is repeated on the course markers (8.5"x14" flourescent orange signs with black lettering, on aluminum backing plates) and on the surveyors pin flags that are put up throughout the course. On race day there will be more than 100 course markers laid out.

Simplest, low-tech solution will be to just print my numbers on card stock, and then lay strips of filament tape across the top and bottom of each number before I put the mounting holes (for the zip ties) in them. (I stack all the numbers together and use my drill press to make the mounting holes)

[image]why the hell can't I make this work?[/image]

Awww, screw it. Just look at the attachment!


166134-drbike##.bmp (285 downloads)

Edited by tanstaafl. (27/06/2003 00:09)
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"