
Reckon? Now there's some southern slang...

It's not slang. http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=reckon ;
Main Entry: reck·on
Pronunciation: 're-k&n
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): reck·oned; reck·on·ing /'re-k&-ni[ng], 'rek-ni[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English rekenen, from Old English -recenian (as in gerecenian to narrate); akin to Old English reccan
Date: 13th century
transitive senses
1 a : COUNT <reckon the days till Christmas> b : ESTIMATE, COMPUTE <reckon the height of a building> c : to determine by reference to a fixed basis <the existence of the U.S. is reckoned from the Declaration of Independence>
2 : to regard or think of as : CONSIDER
3 chiefly dialect : THINK, SUPPOSE <I reckon I've outlived my time -- Ellen Glasgow>
intransitive senses
1 : to settle accounts
2 : to make a calculation
3 a : JUDGE b chiefly dialect : SUPPOSE, THINK
4 : to accept something as certain : place reliance <I reckon on your promise to help>
- reckon with : to take into consideration
- reckon without : to fail to consider : IGNORE
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