Ok, I just took apart my player (for the first time) and looked at the screw and washer situation. My measurements are based on the assumption that the empeg metal case is 1mm think (right?).

Yup, my MKIIa has the red rubber washers (gaskets?). Looks like they are 1mm. My 1mm washers are bit larger in circumference than the stock ones, but I think they will do. It appears that my 80 gig Travelstar has the PCB recessed just the slightest bit below the bottom metal on the drive. So, my metal washers appear to rest on the metal around the screw holes; 1/2mm above the PCB. Also, the washers fit the screws well enough that they only come within 1/2mm of the nearest contact point on the PCB.

Is it safe to be using metal within these 1/2mm margins?
May the washers flex and touch the PCB once they are screwed to the sled?
Does it matter of the metal washers touch the green part of the drive PCB if they aren't touching the copper connect points?

Ok, about the screws. It looks like the slightly rounded head of my screws are about 2mm tall, as compaired to the stock 1mm head height. Will that pose a problem with clearance on the motherboard?

And torque. Dang, the stock hdd screws were BARELY tight. Interesting.

Oh, and one of my washers has rust on it. Not much. A big deal? Hahaha, I'll clean it first. Thanks for your help.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set