And, just to turn this into a flame war, why? You like torturing animals?

Only if and as long as PETA opposes it.

I'm not saying they don't have the occasional loopy idea

Why should I forgive them for it?

Don't bother citing any good they do if it's redundant with, say, ASPCA. If they're fulfilling some purpose uniquely other than being stupid, hey, great.

Lest you get the wrong idea, I'm in favor of free speech, and at the same time I wish people would just shut up and go home. How's that for a paradox? The only way I have to express my dissatisfaction is to do whatever is being protested, or they won't get my message, right? Using their logic, at least, I have to be obnoxious or my message won't be heard.

More seriously, you should just write me off as the bitter crank that I am. As either I'm becoming more liberal as I age, or everyone else is becoming more conservative, personal conflicts are ripping me apart anyway: many organizations I now find myself agreeing with spread their messages using techniques I find obnoxious and wish to discourage.

I should just give up and live in a cave.